“While slowly” – ○377○


We were coming out from this sensual atmosphere, you was looking at me sweetly, and what I was looking at in your eyes, it was what you was still feel, was rounding inside you.
The explosion of our emotions at the same moment.

What I could see in your eyes, was a shadow of the past that now it was reconciled with itself, and that glance full of love had a depth in which for the very first time I could really lose myself, and don’t found a way of return.

All around us there was tenderness. Tenderness in our glances. Tenderness in our caresses. Tenderness in our shy smile, and above the tenderness was in our hearts, and in our souls and all was wrapping us.

It seemed, we didn’t wanted awaken from all this.
That dream, and what we had done after, it seemed had had put it right something in our past lives.
Maybe we have would discover it or not.
Now what we were listening to, were our hearts explode, and our gazes didn’t wanted break away one from another.
It seemed impossible, but our love seemed growing up always more.

After that dream, it seems we had strengthened it from it where it came from: from the past.
We looked at each other again: we shyly smiled, and slowly we looked for to shake ourselves, and resurface from that soft and sensual atmosphere, that it seemed swallowing us.

We settled on the backrest of the bed: we hadn’t say still not even a word.
We were still thinking about what was happened, but slowly we were getting back to the reality.
We had take a look outside of the window, and it was still day, and we could hear Big One call back The Little One, who instead was running toward Bathuè who was comeback from the Burn Valley.

I looked at you with wide eye open and, I exclaimed: “Bathu蔑 and I have put myself on the edge of the bed. I was getting up, but you held my hand and sweetly, you have made me fallen again on the bed, holding my hips: you had made me fallen in your arms.
Seconds later, we have stared us you had touching my lips with your, and you have whispered me: “A moment…”.

We were lay in the bed, face to face, you have sighed: “I love you much”.
I could only staring you, and sigh, cause it was the same feeling I was feeling.

Our hearts were beating hard in that moment, and slowly we were about to be wrapped, once again, by that sensation, if I hadn’t give you a sweet slap on your leg.

Both, we wanted stay wrapped again in that feeling, but in that exact moment, there were our guys who wanted us.”


⇐“When we awoke” – ○376○

“We still” – ○378○ ⇒

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