“As if we were” – ○156○


Awake up, from a dream, we were still surrounded by a muffled sensation, as if we were surrounded by a soft white cloud of chiffon.
While were lying down ourselves, our sensations were so light and we, with them.
All our thoughts were became so little that they could even fly away, and everything around us were became soft, even our souls.
We were still inside that magical atmosphere.

Everything around us were became white as the very first night we went my apartment.
The red bricks of your bedroom did existed no longer.
Everything was became the echo of itself.
We were attending at this little transformation, around, and above all inside of us.

The city was about to wake up, a new day was coming, and we, were waiting for something else.
We were looking at us, one another deeply, while our hearts beating hard.
The muffled sensation slowly was faded, and another new sensations was about to wrapping us.

We feeling ourselves so light, and we had thought that we could even take the flight, but was only an impression.
We were looking at us so deeply that we could feel everything of the other.

We realized only that our mental connection was growing up fast, and by now, every speech we had done about this Parallel World, was pure reality, and we, were in the middle of it, and for sure, weren’t going crazy.”


⇐“Without realizing,” -○155○

“For a little time” -○157○ ⇒

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