
I feel it. It’s been a few days since I’ve felt these strong emotions.
Do you feel that gentle punch in the stomach? Yes, I do.
It’s our connection, it’s getting stronger.

If I close my eyes, I can feel your arms around my belly, and I can hear your voice embracing my belly.
If I turn around, I can see your beautiful eyes and your arms can hold me tighter to your chest.
Our electric shocks are crossing our minds, and what you want me to say makes the heart beat strongly.
I can’t swallow.

Those blue eyes on me make me go crazy, and those ajar lips want to be kissed,
My fingers tremble on this keyboard, choking the air from my lungs, I feel Our Parallel World rising to connect us more.

My head is exploding and I feel your closeness revolutionizing my being.
I’ve missed you these days.
I know it’s hard. I miss you more than anyone.
I’m throwing all the air out of my lungs and I’m trying not to go mad like my heart is doing right now.

I miss you a lot.


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