– 22 –

At that name, all the crew, including the new one, remained silent for a few seconds, if not a minute, in respect of that captain whom everyone on the ship knew for the millions of adventures that had been told in the tavern, and even if we hadn’t met him, we could imagine his great personality.Β 

We tightened our hands and looked at Al, who was staring at the fluttering Jolly Roger.
And only after we had recovered from that moment did everyone stare at Al and ask where he was going.

Although he was the smallest pirate in the large group, he never stood out from a small leather pouch he wore around his waist.

Giving last glimpse to the black flag, he came back to look at the group of pirates who surrounded him on the deck, looking at him from up to down, but when he has seen a wooden barrel, has jumped on it, and from his glance we have been able to perceive his comfy, and right after, he has pulled out from his small bag a map at his dimension, and he has started to speak.

“As many of you know, until the Captain’s last days, I spent a lot of time with him, and I wrote what he dictated. I even drew a map: his last map that he put down, and then it happened what everyone knows, and he never told me what he had discovered. He never told me, and now, as his predecessor, I want to lead this group to find where this map carry.
I’ve studied it deeply and I could lead you there even without a compass, but now is not the time to joke.

In the last conversations we had, he talked to me about a peaceful place, and maybe there we would find the greatest treasure that any pirate would wish for”.
At these words, a great murmur has risen among the crew, and only when everyone has looked at Gareth, the big pirate has nodded, and right after Gareth has asked: “What are the coordinates, Captain?”

At this question we have looked at each other and our hearts have begun to beat strongly, but it seemed that we were the only ones excited, because when Al has said: “Let’s point to EAST. That’s where the captain wanted to go!”
At this command, all the crew moved, each of them to the right place.

And when the ship made the first turn, the crew was fascinated by the sweetness of the way it stepped over the first wave, then the second, and the next.
It seemed that the ship did not touch the sea, but flew over it.

Only a few ofΒ  delicate splashes entering on the deck.
And when every pirates has given a look to Al, Al was proudly staring that Jolly Roger, ad on that tiny face we only have perceived a little tear that rolling on his green face.Β 
Certain, he was talking with his captain.

We could only imagine what he was telling him, but immediately after we looked away, and tightening our hands, we saw the entire crew at their right places, staring at the horizon, hoping to see something, but until that moment, they, including us, had seen the great tract of blue sea.

The ship was sailing very calmly towards the destination that Al had given, and now, following the mation of each pirate, Big Joe was giving them other order, and when he has reached us, he has smiled us, looking around, he has suggested us to go to rest.
“You have done a lot and now we have to wait to reach the destination. I have checked the cabins and they are ready to receive our guests and the pirates. We will call you if we see anything,” and he nodded.

Luke wanted to stay a little longer, but looking at him, I had convinced him to follow Big Joe’s advice, and Joe called a pirate who was waiting his turn and told him to accompany us to our cabin.
We were really tired, but it was the adrenaline still in the body that made us go on, but we had to go to rest.

Luke looked at everything and in a whisper I said: “It will not go away. I promise.”
And so he looked at me sweetly, and we drove slowly to where another beautiful place was waiting for us.”



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β¬…β˜ β€“ 21 –

– 23 β€“βž‘β˜ 

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