– 1 –

We opened the eyes and looked at each other with a strange feeling.
We had know to have rest, but in someway that dream that we had made, had something of real.
And without saying it, we knew to have made the same dream.

I had met Luke and Luke had met me.
We had the heart that was going crazy. What we had dreamed was hammering our thoughts, and for distraction we have decided to go out of this little room.

Our little friends were still sleeping peacefully, and at least unconsciously for a short moment they made us forget what we were trying to escape from.

With his eyes wide open, Luke looked at me, picked up the keys, stared at them and said: “I need some air” and waited for a second.
For a last time I have taken a look at our little critters, and right after I have taken Luke’s hands, and we have closed the door, as if this dream could still take our minds, and we have walked in fast way those stairs.

At the end we could hear the buzz of the Sam’ Pub while he was listing some orders to keep them better in mind.
Shyly we have come out from that brownish drapery next to a big noisy refrigerator and pretending nothing we have taken a seat at a table a little hidden from that crowd intent to drink or to discuss on something very important.

When Sam noticed us, he left the group he was talking to and with a big smile came over to us and asked us “How did we sleep? We thanked him again for the great hospitality and immediately he asked us what we would like to take, and without thinking much, Luke has said: “Something to wake us up”.
And with a smile on his face he went to prepare it.

We looked at each other, happy that we hadn’t been able to show what was on our minds.
We waited for Sam to come back with the drinks and he went away to share another look of confusion.
We had to understand if what we had imagined wasn’t really a dream, or if it was happening for real.

We argued without saying a word. It was enough to look at each other and understand what the person in front of us was thinking or asking.
When I asked: “Are we sure that what we have dreamed is not a fruit of imagination?”
There was only one answer in his gaze, and looking around him, he replied in a low tone.
“Remember, nothing happens here for a case!”

In a way, his words had reassured me, but in another way they had agitated me, and as I looked around for a moment, I was afraid that someone had overheard these few exchanges of thoughts.
Fortunately, no one was looking in our direction, but my heart was still beating fast.

What Luke saw in my eyes, what we had gone through in those hours of sleep, was not a scene from a picnic in the meadow. On the contrary, it was a scene of real danger, but somehow it was telling us that we had to try something, but how?

Now there was only one question on our minds. How were we going to get back there?
We were looking at each other when all of a sudden it started to rain, and a flash of lightening struck the whole square in front of the bar, and all this made us remember how we had left that place: in the middle of a storm, and that had worried us.
We didn’t know anyone, we had to do something, even if it seemed silly.

But when it approached us, a strange all-white creature with a nose on its forehead and sunken eyes, it said to us fleetingly: “You can do it. You have done it before,” and he walked away without turning around.
Luke had no time to stop him. He looked briefly at the exit, then back at me, who was staring at the white shadow that had disappeared in the rain.”


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– 2 β€“βž‘

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