
After having evaluated well the situation that was getting worse and worse, Luke has looked at the frosted window that in that moment seemed to be the only piece of the building to resist, but when Luke has looked searching to open it a noise of a glass that was about to break it has warned us, and just a few seconds before that it had exploded directly in front of us, Luke has screamed: “Get on the ground!”

And in the next few seconds, the window exploded into a million pieces, and it wasn’t until the rain of glass had stopped that I realised Luke had used his body as a shield.
Assured that it was all over, Luke raised his eyes and, looking around him, whispered: “We’re risking our own lives here. Is everyone OK?” He asked at the end.
Our eyes met and when he noticed that I was trembling, he gave me a big hug and assured me that it was almost over.

As I smiled at him and wiped a small splinter from his face, and noticed that he was bleeding, I looked at the others and repeated what Luke had told us before, that everything around us was exploding.
“We’ve got to get out of here!” and I went to see how high we were.

It was not too high, but it had no soft point on which to land, but staying there was really dangerous, and now the oxygen we could breathe was really few.
Snatchy went to have a better look at the window and when he came back he told us: “Maybe we shouldn’t jump.
I saw a glutter that runs all the way across this side of the building. If it is strong enough, we can get out from there. Let’s go!”

I’d glanced at Luke and he’d nodded, helping me to get up.
Daisy and I have been coughing a lot, and the only air that has entered from that small window, has come immediately burned by the steam that has made come closer very dangerously the fire, and when he has seen the first flame arrive, he has looked at everybody and without thinking much, he has been the first to come out of that window and when he has looked at me for the umpteenth time, he has stretched me his hand to take me, but I have refused. I have thought first of our little friends and without saying a word I have taken my fluffy friend and I have passed to Luke who has made him understand to go down immediately and the same thing that he has done with Daisy and Snatchy, when above all I had the certainty that they were in safe, I have looked at Luke and finally I have leaned out and Luke has helped me to climb over the window.

When he had taken me and he was sure that my embrace was strong enough, he looked me straight in the eyes and he said to me: “Hold me tight” and he began to descend while the building was in flames.
My heart went mad when I raised my face and a red flame came out of the window, and when I whispered Luke’s name, I thought the worst.

When we landed on the ground, we made sure that everything was all right, and when we reached our friends, we saw the building go up in flames, and after a few minutes, it was in a million pieces, and when we looked at our friends, our eyes were wide open.
I was still struggling to breathe, and when Luke took the decision to leave the alley, we heard the building crumble, and we left a grey cloud of dust and ash behind us, while the firemen were about to enter the alley.

They ran towards the building and began to open the powerful water.
It was only when we reached the town that we realised that we were covered in ashes, because all the people in the street were looking at us as the only survivors of the fire.

Realising this, Luke looked at everyone and, after tidying up a bit, suggested we go to Sam’s pub for a drink.
I laughed softly, biting my lips, and so Luke gently took my hand and in a gentle tone of voice encouraged our friends to make a little more effort.
The sign of Sam’s pub came closer and closer.”


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