“After” – ╚9╔

That warmth breathe of that creature, whom had, in part, dried our clothes, everybody else seemed more rerlaxed, and it seemed that, also it was got back the thug, they didn’t care of it, and it seemed that, despite outside was a hammering rain, inside that local,  it was came out a small sun ray, and everybody were calmer than usual.

The Big Black Spider was offering  a round free for everybody.
For a moment the big creature with the two red eyes by side has looked at everybody, then has whispered us: “It was from long time that nobody had not fun so, at least we are feeling a sense of freedom”.

We wanted know his name, but maybe it wasn’t the time to insist, the important thing was that they knew our, and that now, they don’t had to feel the pressure of that hammering rain that was continue to tapping on the only big window of the local.

Maybe, it was the real first time that everybody there inside had fun; we would have know their names later.
We looked at everybody, and from each one, we catching their particulars, and each one of them, were special at their own way. 

We were settled at the counter: me on your legs, and you was tightening me from behind, and each time, we feeling strong emotions, our glances met, and you was pull me to you, and your voice was whisper my name.
We were feel ourselves in comfort between those creatures from the strangest form, even if, hung on us the biggest danger of that it would have could sweep us in a second.

We had realized of that, when all in a sudden the door, was opened itself, and from there, was entered Will The Wheel, whom was shaking himself from that rain, and that spontaneous joy has vanished in few instants, while everybody were looking at him walking toward  us at the counter. 

From how they were looking at him, they knew to have got lower their guard, even if the bad thug was gone, they have to have milion eyes, and milion ears: listening to each small shade of that rain, and in this case we had to give reason to the turtle still wet, while the grey creature, with his warm breathe was drying his shell.

“You have right Will, maybe it has been our guilt: we wanted get light this atmosphere, for a bit” you said taking a towel to dry him better. At your words has followed a soft murmurs  from those creatures, and Will seemed in minority.
Both side had right: we had to be careful but not live underpressure.

The rain was falling as her usual, but the lightening and the thunders, after have warned us with their roar and their great flash of light, it had clarified that for defeat it, there wasn’t need only of a feline creature with big muscles, and it would be back soon, but surely not that same night or day (?)

Clarified that point, we were still questioning ourselves, if it was day or day.
“The last time i have seen the sun, has been many time ago, and i pay attention to these particulars no longer. Everything is mixed here. Outside it can be day, like the deepest of the night, beyond this dark sky.
And however my name is Thyphoon” said the creature with the two red eyes by side and one in centre.

We looked at him while he left us to go in middle to other creatures to have fun.
You have tightened me from behind pulling me to you, and this time been me to whisper your name.”


Listen to it ⇓⇓


⇐“After” – ╚8╔

“We remained” -╚10╔⇒

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